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Learning about Network Marketing


Network marking is a form of marketing directly to consumers. However, it is not really focused on selling a product, but to sell memberships. The selling of products plays second fiddle. The idea is to earn commissions on the fees that new members are paying and the commissions earned on selling the products are just secondary. It is a legal business that channels the costs of advertising to pay for the more-than-usual bigger commissions that the members get when somebody joins the network.


The networker is able to help the members by building the business. Unlike a franchise, where the business is built first, the network marketing business model works the opposite. The network leader is helping the members to build people that will buy the products as the business is already built. There is no need to find a base, because network marketing is mobile unlike other types of business.


The income potential of network marketing at is huge. However, there is a lot of people that have been skeptical about the scheme. There have been a lot of bad news being printed about this type of business. Worse, legitimate network marketing businesses are being impacted by the bad eggs in the industry. Some people are no longer interested in doing network marketing because of the bad stories they have read or heard.


We need to understand that pyramiding schemes are the illegal types of networking. No products are being sold and instead the people are busy asking for members to join the network. This is illegal and unlike network marketing that is legal. This network marketing business model allows you to get involved in a business that is legal with legal products being sold. You get commissions on the sales and also those people that buy the membership to get into the network.


Network marketing platforms are not Ponzi schemes. Ponzi schemes are designed to take away money from you. These schemes do not make you earn legally. There are no products being sold and they are more often get rich quick schemes.


Network marketing is not a get rich quick scheme and the expectations should be tempered. It is a way to build a business that is based primarily on the Internet. Read the basics of marketing here at


There are plenty of network marketing platforms that you can join. Some of them have plenty of stories to tell about how they are able to make some of their clients have been able to get at least some residual income.

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